
I see sugar in honey (Sugar) in the nutrition label, is it added or natural?

Natural. Honey itself will contain natural sugar, so the sugar will be shown in the test.

Just like the fruits we eat, white rice will contain sugar in the test, and they are all natural.

Why are some brands high in sugar and others low in sugar?

Caused by two reasons:

  • Food for bees in winter
  • In order to save costs, most bee farms will feed white granulated sugar to bees in the season when bees are not blooming in winter, so the sugar content will be higher in the test results (see 2013 Selection Monthly)

  • Conscientious bee farms will feed honey to the bees, the relative sugar content will be lower but the cost will be much higher

  • Nutrition labels have calculation methods:

  • Most merchants will use equations to save costs, instead of testing each batch of goods, so it is not accurate

  • Take the goods directly to the laboratory for testing (accurate results, high cost, but this is a responsible approach to the public)

Is honey sodium-free or sodium-free?

  • What is marked on the nutrition label is contained in pure honey, which is very normal.
  • Just like the rice we eat, the vegetables, and the water we drink all contain sodium, because both soil and air contain sodium

Is it better to have high or low sodium in honey?
 It must be as low as possible.

Does honey contain fat? 

Natural honey may contain fat, because bees also collect pollen in the process of collecting plant nectar. There will be a small amount of pollen in honey, and many pollen contain 5%-10% crude fat and free fatty acid. Of course, the proportion of these fats in honey is very small, and there are many uncertainties in terms of regions, nectar source plants and seasonal changes. From the perspective of detection, it depends on how the detection standard is defined. If the content is at the ppm level, it will often show that the content is 0. In fact, this 0 does not mean that there is absolutely no.

Is honey an alkaline food?

Honey contains a lot of alkaline inorganic salts, which will produce alkaline substances after being digested and absorbed by the human body, so honey is an alkaline food. Honey contains a variety of nutrients, which can promote digestion and protect the liver.

Honey is an alkaline food, not to say that food with sour taste is acid food, but to judge its acidity and alkalinity according to the residue after food burning.

Honey is very sweet, will drinking honey water always make you fat?

No, just dilute it and drink it. Honey is a natural nutrient that nourishes the lungs and intestines. It contains high-quality sugar, vitamins and minerals that can burn human energy. In the three meals a day, as long as some honey is added, the accumulation of fat in the human body can be avoided. And can eliminate the garbage in the human body, restore the original metabolic function of the human body, improve constipation and balance blood sugar. It is really a cheap and good weight loss food, especially effective for people who are obese due to constipation. Honey can be added to drinking water before breakfast, and a small amount of porridge can be eaten at lunch and dinner. Most people feel relaxed and happy after eating honey for two days. After five days, you can eat noodles and other easily digestible things, and then slowly return to the original diet. In the process of losing weight, pay attention to drinking plenty of water, which is beneficial to metabolism, and should control beverages and alcohol containing caffeine and tannic acid, so as not to stimulate the internal organs. Using this weight loss method, many people lose 3 kg in 3 days. Secondly, the symptoms of constipation as well as feelings of anxiety can also be eliminated. There are advantages to losing weight with honey, so you might as well give it a try. However, this method of weight loss is lacking in nutritional balance, and it is easy to rebound, so it is not suitable for a long time!

Do honey and royal jelly really "have hormones"?

Myth: There are hormones in honey and royal jelly, they should not be given to children, they will lead to precocious puberty.

Truth: Honey, bee pollen, royal jelly and other bee products have always been popular "good things". On the other hand, there are many rumors claiming that these bee products "contain hormones" and may affect children's development, causing precocious puberty. In fact, the content of sex hormones in bee products is very small, much lower than many other daily foods, and they have nothing to do with precocious puberty.

The most important thing is the country of origin. The New Zealand government prohibits beekeepers from feeding bee hormones and antibiotics

Is Honey Really Toxic When Heated?
Heating honey does not produce toxins, so honey can also be used in baking and cooking, but some nutrients in honey will be destroyed at high temperatures. It is usually recommended not to boil directly or brew at high temperature when eating, but to wait until it cools down It is advisable to add honey (below about 40°C).

Preservation of honey

Honey should be placed in a cool place indoors. If the ambient temperature is too high, it will easily cause the rapid accumulation of HMF and affect the quality. It is best not to put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate, because it is easy to cause honey crystallization. After the honey is opened, the bottle cap should be tightened to avoid moisture absorption and moisture and cause fermentation deterioration. It is best to eat it in a short time after opening, because the air in the container may still be Increase the water content of honey. The water content in honey affects the storage time. Generally, the newly harvested honey is not resistant to storage because the water content often exceeds 23%. It should be eaten as soon as possible within 2 weeks. When the water content is less than 20%, the honey It can be stored for a long time, usually for two years, and the flavor is still good, but the color will become darker.

Is it suitable for babies to eat honey?

It is generally not recommended for children under one year old to eat honey, mainly because the intestinal tract of children is not yet fully developed, and they have no resistance to botulism. Honey is generally not completely sterilized, so it is not recommended for safety reasons.

Can diabetic patients eat honey?

Diabetes is caused by the lack of insulin produced by the pancreas in the body, or the relative decrease in its effect. It cannot convert the glucose in the body into glycogen and store it in the body, which increases the glucose in the blood. Therefore, diabetic patients control the sugar (carbohydrate) in their diet. It is necessary. Although honey also contains high sugars, mainly monosaccharides glucose and fructose (about 35~40% each), the absorption time of the two kinds of monosaccharides in the body is different, so it will not be absorbed in a short time. Glucose absorbs the fastest and is absorbed in the stomach wall, while fructose absorbs slowly and is absorbed and utilized in the small intestine. The decomposition and absorption process does not depend on insulin. Therefore, under limited control, eating honey is allowed.

What are the benefits of eating propolis

Propolis is a colloidal solid with an aromatic smell that is processed by bees from the resin (gum) collected from plant spores or tree trunks, mixed with the secretions of their palate glands and wax glands.

The effect of propolis

Slightly sweet taste; flat nature. Treats corns, calluses, warts and common warts. Effective in treating malignant tumors and wounds. Moisturizing skin and promoting muscle growth; anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving. Main gastric ulcer; oral ulcer; cervical erosion; herpes zoster; psoriasis; psoriasis; skin fissures; corns; burns.

The role of propolis

1. Inhibit tumors, avoid side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

2. Regulate blood lipids, reduce excessive cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density protein, and increase high-density lipoprotein.

3. Regulate blood sugar, increase the efficacy of hypoglycemic drugs, improve diabetes symptoms, and prevent diabetes complications.

4. Improve the body's immune function and increase disease resistance.

5. Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiprotozoal.

6. Anti-allergic, anti-radiation, anti-mutation, anti-fatigue, anti-oxidation, anti-aging.

7. Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antitussive, expectorant, asthma.

8. Antispasmodic, analgesic, antihypertensive, hemostasis, antipruritic.

9. Anti-freeze, anti-crack, anti-corruption, soften cutin.

10. Anti-ulcer, protect the ulcer surface, promote the shedding of necrotic tissue, and promote tissue regeneration and repair.

11. Soften blood vessels, enhance vascular tension, reduce vascular fragility and abnormal permeability.

12. Promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, reduce blood viscosity, reduce red blood cell and platelet aggregation, reduce thrombus formation, prevent atherosclerosis, and improve microcirculation.

13. Regulate gastrointestinal function.

14. Strengthen the cell membrane, activate cells, and regulate the activity of various enzymes.

15. Protect the liver, detoxify the liver, and have therapeutic and protective effects on acute and chronic hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis and various toxic liver injuries.

16. Skin care and beauty, smooth wrinkles, decompose pigment, reduce pigmentation.

What is the difference between propolis, honey and royal jelly

Propolis, honey and royal jelly have different sources and functions. Generally, honey is mainly composed of nectar collected from flowers. Honey is 80% water and 20% sugar. It contains various vitamins and minerals. It is the main food for drones and worker bees , sweet smell, odorless, can promote the function of the five internal organs. Royal jelly is a hormone-like substance secreted by the pharyngeal glands of worker bees. It is in the form of an emulsion and is the energy source of the queen bee. 60-70% of it is water, and most of it is protein. It has the effects of nourishing, strengthening and detoxification. It is a holy product for beauty. Propolis is a viscous brown-green substance mixed with saliva from the bark and buds of trees collected by bees such as poplar, Qi Gonghong = Ye Gonghong, willow, oak and eucalyptus. The gaps and cracks in the hive prevent strong wind and moisture, and keep the inside of the hive sterile. Propolis is more versatile than the above two, and can improve immune function. Good propolis has a unique fragrance and can be taken internally and externally.

Why is propolis called natural antibiotic

Propolis is a substance from nature. It has anti-bacteria, mold, and virus functions. It can prevent and improve diseases and enhance resistance. Therefore, it is also called natural anti-biological substances.

Are there any side effects of using propolis

Propolis is a natural food with no side effects, even pregnant women and breastfeeding women can use it. Only a small number of people may have skin allergies and other symptoms of improvement reactions, but these are all normal phenomena, and the dosage should be halved until you get used to it and then slowly increase the dosage.