Founded in 1986 - New Zealand Family Brand
HealthHouse was founded by David Coory, author of New Zealand's best-selling health book "Stay Healthy – by supplying what’s lacking in your diet". Supplying quality natural health products and health books since 1986.
We promise to provide only "Effective High Quality Natural Health Products"
Our Philosophy
Half our hospitals could be emptied if we provided the right nutrition to our people. While we strongly advocate a balanced diet rich in unprocessed vegetables, fruits, good fats, dairy and grains, we also understand that this alone is not enough to get the levels of minerals and vitamins we need. The depletion of minerals in our soils leads to mineral deficiencies in the food chain, which means it is difficult to obtain all the required minerals from diet alone.
When someone is skeptical that their diet should be supplemented with mineral supplements, we recommend that they ask farmers whether they can successfully raise livestock without providing mineral supplemented feed.
Highest Standard
Our Method
We only sell products that are manufactured to the highest standards, using the finest ingredients and based on therapeutic doses and ingredients from respected suppliers. We are committed to using only natural (plant-based) ingredients, and only natural flavors/sweeteners in our raw materials.
"我同太太都好想要bb,但係試左好耐都未有消息,我見朋友食左 Health House 倍濃瑪卡男士活力膠囊之後好快就有好消息,我就試下,我食完一樽Maca 後,平時工作忙碌的我,明顯覺得晚上仍然活力充沛!果然係天然偉哥!"
馮先生 (香港用家)
"我的父親今年78歲,有長期關節疼痛的問題,唔可以踎低,不單止上落樓梯 會好痛,行得耐都會痛,睇醫生醫生話係關節老化,唔夠潤滑劑,現時沒有治 本的藥物可以提供,我只好購買健康產品俾父親服用,希望可以幫到他減低痛 楚。試過來自世界各地嘅唔同品牌,有賣廣告嘅,朋友介紹嘅品牌都試過,但 效果都不及父親現在服用HealthHouse的健康關節配方咁明顯,後來我將佢 嘅成分同過往服用過的品牌比較,我才知道為什麼HealthHouse的更有效, 因為無論在份量或成分上都勝於其他品牌;現在我父親同時服用他們的魚油, 感覺效果更好。父親宜家行路唔痛,還答應黎緊新年同我們一家去旅遊呢!"
李先生 (香港用家)
"我已經服用左安眠藥幾年,但係我好想戒掉它,現在我已經轉用了 Health House 輕鬆安睡配方,除非真係壓力好大,其他時間我都好好瞓。"
Annette (新西蘭用家)
"我最近買了一瓶 Health House Easy - Lax清腸配方,現在每朝早都不用花 太多時間在洗手間,真係好正!"
Roger (新西蘭用家)
"以前我皮膚好差,我覺得其他人只留意到我滿面暗瘡,而忽略我的優點,令我缺 乏自信。自從我服用了HealthHouse淨膚暗瘡配方之後,第一個星期已經見到 皮膚有明顯改善,服用了三星期之後我已經重拾自信,連化妝都可以清淡好多。"